

Adding new certificate remote access windows 

Categories: Windows

You can get a new remote desktop self-signed certificate by removing the old and restarting the service.

  • Goto certification store: Computer / Local Machine / Remote Desktop
  • Remove the current certificate
  • net stop SessionEnv
  • net start SessionEnv
  • Refresh store to check if new certificate is correct


Delete and purge last commit from Github on Windows 

Categories: Git
git reset --hard HEAD~1
git push --force

Enable TCP/IP on mssql 

Categories: SQL Server

Let's say you want to use 'npm install mssql --save' but can't get connected to your local server.

You probably need to check these things:

  • Ensure you can connect manually through SQL Server management studio
  • Provide connection info to clients by turning on mssql browser service
    • Services > SQL Server Browser
  • Check Sql Server Network Configuration
    • Start > SQL Server Configuration Manager > SQL Server Network Configurations > enable TCP/IP
    • On property tab of protocol ensure IP ALL has no dynamics and 1433 as port with enabled
    • Restart server instance


Categories: Nodejs

Depending on the operating system you are using, you might get warnings like these:

  • npm WARN optional SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: fsevents@1.2.11 (node_modules\fsevents)

Warnings for sure are useful during development, but they just overload build servers with noise that should only be there when requested.

You could use npm install --loglevel=error to prevent the warnings to show up in your build logs.

In case you have hard time finding an issue, you could go with npm install --loglevel=silly

(loglevels: silent, error, warn, info, verbose, silly - see also https://docs.npmjs.com/misc/config)

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