

The last years marketing has changed enormously. Social media, online television and search engines have changed the way we collect leads completely. We started investigating into seo and ppc for some of our own projects and realized that marketing has become an exact science. Every penny is tracked and we know exactly where our customers come from.

Furthermore we need highly trained ICT people to setup these online marketing campaigns.

This section is a collection of notes that we found interesting through the years, they help us refresh our memory when needed.

Shadow Commercials 

Categories: Social Media YouTube

For some time we are aware of companies and networks applying shadow banning, a practise where the end-user thinks they reach their audience but in reality their content is being filtered out. 

More recently - 2020 - however, shadow commercials have started to surface more prominently.

A technique were companies and networks do show the publisher assets to the intended audience, but insert advertising and monetize on content without the initial publisher actually knowing about it.

According to Forbes creaters do not like the idea of shadow commericials and are looking into solutions.

A discussion about the YouTube terms of service changes can be found on hackersnews



Engagement Mana 

Categories: Leads

Engagement Mana is just a term I invented (or at least didn't find it when I started using it)

It's to point out to people how important it is to take care of websites (or other digital assets) that are being decommissioned.

Often things get removed and all the links and pages disappear without propper goodbye messages. 

I find it very annoying when I follow a link online and it just redirects me to the home page of the website. And probably your customers find it stupid too. Not to mention that search engines will for sure punish you for this behavior.

There are so much better, easy to implement solutions. 

  • Put a message why the project was closed and point people to most relevant topic on your existing sites.
  • Give them some positive message and present them with search on your system about that topic.
  • Do some ux tests to see what your customers would like in that situation.
  • ...

Anyway, just keep the soul of your old digital assets alive... you will not have to wait until the afterlive to be rewarded.

Security is Evil 

Categories: Management

For some of our customers we have a Security Bounty Program running.
And as most companies they don't like to spend time and budget on security.
Finally I also understand why... it's just evil.
So there you have it.

Screenshot of dashboard showing 666


Categories: Prototyping

Designing Prototypes for Websites in Balsamiq Mockups by Evgeny Onutchin



  • Wireframe > Mockup > Prototype


  • Offline application (not-free)
  • Symbols are basically templates
  • Clone mockups
  • Bootstrap template
  • Low fidelity vs high fidelity prototyping

Keyboard Shortcuts

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