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Upshotjs alternatives 

Categories: Javascript

Some months ago Brad Severtson gave use some nice rich data examples using MVC 4 beta and Upshot.js, unfortunatelly the current asp.net roadmap put this in the fridge. Which kind of makes sense because there are already two big open-project doing something similar. The code is still available and I think their implementation of a DbController wrapper around the web.api is sweet and I am going to keep for the moment. As alternative to Upshot.js I will switch to Breeze, mainly because it is endorsed by John Papa. (and yes I know he is friends with Ward from Breeze). Edit: I am currently trying out JayData more, it seems more complete then Breezejs. Edit 2: it's now july 2013 and I am using Breezejs together with Angularjs in production for most of my mojoPortal sites.

The alternatives to Upshot.js 

There are also some other small libraries, but I think they will disappear. (Data.js from the Asp.Net OData team, KnockoutSPA, SPA.js, ...)

Maybe you got here because of the following error (using upshot beta with the mvc4 rc does not work):

Method not found: 'Void System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders.AddWithoutValidation(System.String, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<System.String>)'.


AutoMapper vs Emit vs ValueInjector vs Glue 

Categories: .Net
I did some small tests on mapping tools and as expected AutoMapper is ‘best of the test’. However if you are doing semi-automatic (only map the ones that are different manually), you will get 6 times faster results with Emit. I think that coding ease should prevail and you should use a caching layer to cover-up this difference.
TEST RESULTS - 4 oct 2012 - N = 300000
  1. Automapper for coding ease and multiple features.
  2. Emit when needing speed and you can apply an algorithm. (faster for simple cases)
  3. ValueInjecter has almost same features as Emit but slower. And in AutoMapper simulation mode incredible slow. (obsolete)
  4. Glue is too slow. (obsolete)

Entity Framework 4.1 DbContext Data Access - Notes 

Categories: EF Notes

Entity Framework 4.1 DbContext Data Access
Julie Lerman

1. DbContext
  • .Add
  • .Attach is not an update but tells EF to track the entity.
  • .Remove
  • .Entry.State=Modified Added Deleted
var newPerson = context.People.Add(new Person { Name = "Julie"});
//context.Aliases.Attach(existingAlias); //line below willl do implicit
context.Entry(existingAlias).State = System.Data.EntityState.Modified;
Assert.IsTrue(context.Entry(exisitingAlias).State == System.Data.EntityState.Modified);
var query = from p in context.Person where p.Id == 3 select p;
var person = query.FirstOrDefault();
//use instead ->
var person = context.People.Find(3); //uses context cach as a bonus
//objects managed by the cache
ObservableCollection<Person> = context.People.Local 
Proxies, Change Tracking & Lazy Loading
public void ObjectsGetDynamicProxies()
var context = new TwitterContext();
var alias = context.Aliases.FirstOrDefault();
public void ObjectsAreInstantlyChangeTracked()
var context = new TwitterContext();
var alias = context.Aliases.FirstOrDefault();
alias.Name = "abcde";
//context.ChangeTracker.DetectChanges(); when not using dynamic proxy
Assert.IsTrue(((context as IObjectContextAdapter).ObjectContext).ObjectStateManager.GetObjectStateEntries(EntityState.Modified).Count() == 1);
public class Alias
public virtual int AuthorKey { get; set; } //will create lazy loading dynamic proxy
public virtual ICollection<Tweet> Tweets { get; set; } //one marked as virtual will enable lazy loading
public string Email { get; set; } //must be virual if you want change tracking
public string AliasPlusName //no setter so will be skipped
get { return Name + "(" + UserName + ")"; }
Change Tracker
  • DetectChanges called by:
  • DbSet .Find .Local .Remove .Add .Attach
  • DbContext .SaveChanges .GetValidationErrors .Entry
  • DbChangeTracker.Entries
//if you do NOT want DetectChanges to get called
context.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = false;
Get To ObjectContext
  • var oContext = (myDbContext as ObjectContextAdapter).ObjectContext;
  • Linq to Entities CompiledQuery: No DbContext, No Adapter.ObjectContext
  • EF5 : http://blogs.msdn.com/b/stuartleeks/archive/2012/06/12/entity-framework-5-controlling-automatic-query-compilation.aspx
public void CanGetDatabaseValuesFromEntry()
var context = new TwitterContext();
var alias = context.Aliases.FirstOrDefault();
DbPropertyValues dbValues = context.Entry(alias).GetDatabaseValues();
//when savechanges and an optimistic concurrency error was thrown
var entry = context.Entry(alias);
entry.OriginalValues.SetValues(entry.GetDatabaseValues()); //client win
entry.Reload(); //or use for server win
From existing database
  • edmx file -> DbContext T4 Template -> Simple POCO Classes and DbContext
  • ADO.Net DbContext Generation 
2. Code First Database Initialization
  • Connectionstring Available (else use buildstring) -> Database Exists (else create database) -> Use Database
  • Buildstring: SQL Server Express using Context Strong Name
  • eg. namespace DAL class myContext -> DAL.myContext will be the database name
public class MyContext : DbContext
  public MyContext() : base("MyOwnDatabaseName") {}
  protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
modelBuilder.Configurations.Add(new AliasConfiguration());
  1. Read classes & configurations
  2. Build in-memory Model & mappings
  3. Compare model to EdmMetadata table
  4. Changes? Follow init strategy (default: throw exception)
//on application_start()
Database.SetInitializer(new DropCreateDatabaseIfModelChanges<MyContext>());
  • CreateDataseIfNotExists
  • DropCreateDatabaseIfModelChanges
  • DropCreateDatabaseAlways
  • YourCustomDBInitialize
Code First Migrations
public class MyInitializer : DropCreateDatabaseIfModelChanges<MyContext>
  protected override void Seed(TwitterContext context)
  new List<Alias> { ... }.ForEach(b => context.Aliases.Add(b));
base.Seed(context); //calls SaveChanges, so you don't have to
Database.SetInitializer(new MyInitializer());
Specify the Database (new or existing)
<add name="TwitterContext" 
connectionString="Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=TweetTweet;Integrated Security=True" 
providerName="System.Data.SqlCient" />
Make sure that initializer is on default CreateDataseIfNotExists, cause it will think you modified the database since EdmMetadata is missing!
  • DbModelBuilder.Conventions.Remove(IncludeMetadataConvention);
  • Database.SetInitialize<MyContext>(null);
  • <appSettings><add key="DatabaseInitializerForType DAL.MyContext, DataAccessAssembly" value="Disabled" /></appSettings>
Generic Types in XML configuration
  • IList<T> will be IList`1 and IList[]
  • IDictionary<K,V> will be IDictionary`2 and IDictionary[,]
  • Create, CreateIfNotExists, Delete, Exists
  • GetHashCode
  • ExecuteSqlCommand, SqlQuery
  • CompatibleWithModel
  • Initialize, SetInitializer(TContext)
  • Connection, DefaultConnectionFactory
3. More on Entity Framework

Remember TortoiseHg login and password 

Categories: Mercurial
If you do not mind to have the password stored on the computer (otherwise you should use http://mercurial.selenic.com/wiki/KeyringExtension) it is normally enought to put the auth tag into your .hg/hgrc text file. I added the other tags, in case your need authorization on some of the other aspects too.
example.prefix = https://yourdomain.be/yourerpository/
example.username = Userke
example.password = Paswoordje
default = https://yourdomain.be/yourerpository/
user = Userke
passwd = Paswoordje
username = Userke
user = Userke
password = Paswoordje
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