Linux commandline Categories: Linux Bash clear : empty console ls -soah : show file details cat filename : show content inline less filename : show content in scrollable way rm -I glob : remove but confirm once mkdir -p : create new folder, ignore if exits top : show processes htop : show processes with colors pstree -p : show which process contains what other process by id kill processid : terminate process df -h : show diskspace reboot : restart the system lsof -i : list open ipv[46] files by process netstat -tulpn : display listening sockets nmap -v : find open ports on gateway nc : networking tool - seeĀ dmesg | grep -iC 3 "search item" : find in debug messages curl -L : show website content inline and follow redirects who : currently logged in users whoami : user that run this command passwd -Sa : show status of all accounts groupadd groupname : create new group useradd -m -g groupname username : create home, add user and assign groupĀ find / -group groupname : find files owned by group find / -user username : find files owned by user stat -c %U /var/motion/cam1 : show who ownes the folder sudo -u username somecommand : elevate permissions for command chown video:video /var/whatever : change file ownership chmod 755 /var/whatever : change file permissions chmod +x : add execute permissions to script file Previous Post << >> Next Post