When you are in explorer and you type cmd + enter in the address bar a command window (cmd.exe) will open in that location.
Shortcut keys
- tab : to cycle through the files beginning with letters you already typed
- f7 : show history of commands
- arrow up/down : loop through commands
- winkey + cmd + ctrl/shift/enter : will open elevated prompt
- ctrl + c : stop current action
- cls
- color A
- dir | find "grep" /i /v /c /n : ignore case, exclude, count, line number
- netstat -o
- tasklist -m
- taskkill -pid 4
- tracert ken.be
- sfc /verifyonly
- assoc | more
- driverquery
- powercfg /energy
- arp -a
- nslookup ken.be
more at Windows key + R shortcuts and technet command-line reference