
Delivering solid user friendly software solutions since the dawn of time.

Headphones do not go in iPhone 

Categories: Mobile

Sometimes technical problems are so much fun. All of a sudden it was impossible to insert the jack into the hole... it always popped out. Took a bit because it looked like there was nothing inside, but when putting a toothpick... a little cloth of dust/lint came out. And tada iPhone earplug fixed. So much for asking a woman to carry your iPhone in their purse.


Categories: WebApi

A rest api should be entered with no prior knowledge beyond the intial uri and set of standardized media types that are appropriate for the intended audience. From that point on, all application state transitions must be driven by client selection of server-provided choices that are present in the received representations or implied by the user's manipulation of those representations. The transition may be limited by the client's knowledge of media types and resource communication mechanisms, both of which may be improved on-the-fly.

Roy Fielding


REST: "Representational state transfer"

HATEOAS: "Hypermedia as the engine of application state"

Richardson's Maturity Model

  • Level 0: POX (Plain Old Xml)
  • Level 1: Resources
  • Level 2: HTTP Verbs
  • Level 3: Hypermedia (REST)

Misconception Forces: Network reliability, Latency, Bandwidth, Security, Network topology, Administration, Transport cost, Heterogeneous network, Complexity
Constraints: Client-Server, Stateless, Cache, Uniform Interface, Layered System, Code-On-Demand (optional)
Components: Origin server, User agent, Gateway, Proxy
Connectors: Client, Server, Cache, Resolver, Tunnel

Mapping Concepts to Entities

A resource should be a concept and only the mappings should change over time.
eg. /children /children/youngest /children/oldest /children/grace /children/sarah /children/abigail

Resource Types

  • document: a singular noun should be used for document names. eg. .../leagues/seattle
  • collection: a plural noun should be used for collection names. eg. .../leagues
  • store: a plural noun should be used for store names. eg. .../users/1234/favorites/alonso
  • controller: a verb or verb phrase should be used for controller names and the controllername should be as last segment in the uri path. eg. .../alerts/1234/resend 

Resource Identifier

An aesthetically pleasing rest api design is a must have feature.

uri = scheme :// authority / path ? Query # fragment

  • / in path must indicate a hierarchical relationship between resources
  • A trailing forward slash should not be included in uris (do you hear this chrome?)
  • Use hyphens - to improve readability
  • Do not use underscores
  • Lowercase letters should be preferred in uri paths.
  • Case different in path then not same resource
  • File extensions should not be included in uris
  • The full domain name of an api should add a subdomain named api eg. http://api.somesite.be
  • Client developer portal at http://developer.somesite.be
  • Subpaths should be addressable
  • Variable path segments may be substituted with identity based values
  • Crud function names should not be used in uris
  • The query component of a uri may be used to filter collections or stores, preferably using OData
  • The query component should be used to paginate collection or store result using OData (read this wordpress)
  • If needed a separated method can be assigned eg. Post /users/search + body + cacheheaders

Http Methods


  • Templated
  • Get and post must not be used to tunnel other request methods.
  • Get must be used to retrieve a representation of a resource
  • Clients count on being able to repeat get requests without causing side effects


  • Head should be used to retrieve response headers.


  • Idempotent (will return seem result over and over)
  • The uri identifies the entity enclosed with the request
  • Put must be used to both insert and update a stored resource.
  • Put must be used to update mutable resources.


  • Non-Idempotent, the uri identifies the resource that will handle the enclosed entity
  • Post must be used to create a new resource in a collection
  • Post must be used to execute controllers


  • Delete must be used to remove a resource from its parent
  • Soft deletes should use a post, delete should result in 404 afterwards.


  • Options should be used to retrieve metadata that describes a resources available interactions.

Response Status Codes

see http status codes explained

Http headers & Control Data

  • Content type must be used.
  • Content length should be used.
  • Last modified should be used in responses.
  • Etag should be used in responses. eg. if-none-match: "etag-guid"
  • Stores must support conditional put requests. If unmodified since or if match headers. 
  • Location must be used to specify the uri of a newly created resource.
  • Cache control, expires and date response headers should be used to encourage caching. Max age value in seconds. eg. Cache-Control: max-age=86400
  • Expires and datetime for legacy
  • Cache control, expires and pragma should be used to discourage caching. eg. Cache-control no-cache no-store pragma: no-cache expires:0
  • Caching should be encouraged even by using a small max-age
  • Set expiration headers in responses of succesful get and head requests
  • Post is cacheble but most will not treat it that way
  • Expiration caching headers may optionally be used with 3xx and 4xx responses. Known as negative caching reducing the amount of redirecting and error triggering
  • Custom http headers must not.be used to change the behavior of http methods

Representational Design

A resource can have multiple available representations. Content negotiation is the process of selecting the best representation of a resource.

eg. Accept: application/json Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate,sdch Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.8 Accept-
Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.3

  • Json should be supported for resource representation
  • Json must be well formated
  • Xml and other formats may optionally be used for resource representation
  • Additional envelopes must not be created

Media types aka mime types

Type / subtype *(; parameter )

  • application, audio, image, message, model, multipart, text, video
  • Registering media types: IANA allows anyone to propose a new media type
  • Vender specific media types. eg. Application/vnd.ms-excel
  • Application specific media types should be used.
  • The uri of a resource type current schema version always identifies the concept of the most recent version. A uri that ends with a number represents that version.
  • Media type negotiation should be supported when multiple representations are available.
  • Media type selection using a query parameter may be supported. eg. Get /bookmarks/mike?accept=application/xml Instead of using extentions in the uri.


Coupling is reduced by reducing the number of URLs that the client needs to know about single entry point url
<a href="root/children/grace" rel="child">foo</a>
<form class="newchild" action="children" method="post"></form>

Types of Links
<img> - Embedded
<a> - Outbound

Example of a RESTful Service

Bug Tracking Workflow

What does the sticky note look like? What does the board look like?
Title, Description, Initials, State Icons
Backlog, Working, QA, Done + Icons
Allow to change service workflow without changing the client workflow.

List the requirements
(discover bugs, add new bugs, activate a bug, complete a bug)
Identify the state transitions
(client should be able to transition to all states + navigation and error states)
Identify the resources
/bugs - entry point (GET navigate and add new bug)
/bugs/backlog (GET fetch list of bugs POST add new bug to backlog)
/bugs/working (GET fetch POST activate a bug)
/bugs/done (GET fetch POST complete a bug)
Design the media type
Base format: XML, JSON, HTML, ...
State transfer: read only, predefined, ad-hoc
Domain style: specific, general (ATOM), agnostic (HTML)
Application flow: None, Intrinsic, Applied (using decorators rel and class)
We choose: HTML, Ad-Hoc, Agnostic, Applied
Need elements for: List of bugs, link template for moving a bug to backlog, ...

Mapping to Base Format
eg. id bugs DIV container for bugs state elements, class all UL list of bugs, ...
Add a sample representation (here a markup)
eg. class="move active next"

Before versioned service URIs look like: http://foo/services/v2/bla.svc
Now: versioning within representation, representation, resource

Use content negotiation to version media types

RESTfull Clients

Runtime vs Development time

  1. Study the media type and sample documents
  2. Request entry point resource
  3. Inspect representation
  4. Write client code
  5. Follow links

navigationElements = _document.XPathSelectElements("//div[@id='{0}']/a", BugsMediaTypeConstatns.ID_LINKS)


  • From kapital to operational expenditureIncrease resources should increase performance
  • Operational efficiency
  • Resilient to failure (spread the risk around)
  • Realizes economy of scale
  • Cost per unit goes down as the number of units goes up
  • Cost goes down when requests by second goes up

Cloud overflow / failover : start on premise or go from one cloud to the other
Auto-tuning : etags, cache, representation inlining


Fiddler add duration column 

Categories: WebApi

Rules -> Customize Rules -> Edit CustomRules.js

public static BindUIColumn("Duration")
function CalcTimingCol(oS: Session){
var sResult = String.Empty;
if ((oS.Timers.ServerDoneResponse > oS.Timers.ClientDoneRequest))
var ts: System.TimeSpan = null;
var dtStart: DateTime = oS.Timers.ClientDoneRequest;
var dtEnd: DateTime = oS.Timers.ServerDoneResponse;
ts = dtEnd - dtStart;
if (ts.TotalMilliseconds > 2000)
sResult = ts.ToString();
return sResult;

WASABi Elastic Azure Scaling 

Categories: Azure Notes

Notes on Azure Elastic Scaling by Zoiner Tejada. This is again one of these PluralSight courses, where only the sample project is worth the membership to the site. Get it there. Check also: Channel 9 Autoscaling in Windows Azure 2013

Dodging the 503 server busy response

Scale for performance, capacity & availability
Costs of over-allocating (Ideally paying for exactly what is needed)

Scale out/in: adding/removing number of instances

Scale up/down: increasing/decreasing the power of resources

Database can be scaled out by sharding with federations

Elastic Scale: The ability to adjust resources according to demand.

Scaling vs Throttling

Things needed to allow automating scaling

  • Build tooling to monitor cloud service's key performance
  • Use the Windows Azure Service Management API from your code
  • Collect diagnostics
  • Maximize clock hour use in scaling decisions
  • Send admins notification
  • Manage cool down periods between scaling actions


WASABi diagram of components


  • Metronome: collects kpi data
  • Scaler + Stabilizer: manage scale and notifications
  • Tracker: log outcome of actions

Using WASABi

  1. Add reference to WASABI library from your project 
  2. Nuget: Autoscaling Application BLock
  3. Instantiate Autoscaler in code : var autoscaler = EnterpriseLibraryContainer.Current.GetInstance<Autoscaler>(); autoscaler.Start();
  4. Configure App, Service Information Store and Rules Store
  5. Deploy and run

Rule Evaluation
Contstraint rules over Reactive rules
Rule with highest integer rank wins
Intelligent scaling action on tie breaking

Scale and/or notifications
Stabilizer ScaleUpOnlyInFirstMinutesOfHour
Stabilizer ScaleDownOnlyInLastMintesOfHour

WASABi in Azure
Management Certificate
makecert -sky exchange -r -n "CN=<CertificateName>" -pe -a sha1 -len 2048 -ss My"<CertificateName>.cer"
via azure portal, settings, mgmt certs, upload
backup .pfx with password
export via mmc, certs snap-in, personal, export
put public and private key on machine running autoscaler

Add WASABi nuget
Add Enterprise Library config nuget

Update app.config (right-click)
point to Rules.xml
point to ServiceInfo.xml
add smtp info

Update ServiceInfo.xml
Make sure you save as utf-8 without signature!
Add xsd to schema
Update subscription
Update service
Update roles
Update stabilizer

Update Rules.xml
ConstraintRules eg. ScaleTargetHost min="2" max="6"
ReactiveRules eg. greaterOrEqual operand="averageCPU" than="30"
Operands eg. alias="averageCPU" performanceCOunterName="..."

Update diagnostics.wadcfg
eg. PerformaceCounters scheduledTransferPeriod="PT1M"

Pubish Web Role and Run Web Worker Autoscaler

Custom Operands
When performance counters, queue length or instance count aren't enough
For use by reactive rules only
eg. Queue msg depth, number of files in blob, business tickets, ...
Extend DataPointsParametersElement using IDataPointsCollector

Custom Actions
When adjusting instance count or changing settings isn't enough
eg. change role instance size, scale vm website db storage, send sms messages
Extend ReactiveRuleActionElement using instance of ReactiveRuleAction
Remember to put in your custom namespaces (xmlns="http://myfoo")

Azure Websites 

Categories: Azure Notes

Notes from Windows Azure Websites by Matt Milner

  • Application load balancer
  • Content + configuration in shared storage
  • http://<account>.azurewebsites.net


  • FTP, Web Deploy, Continues integration
  • Use EnableCodeMigrations to create the db and seed some default data
  • Use a publishing profile (import on web publish)
  • One ftp location even though you have multiple instances.

Pricing Models

  • Free only up to 10 sites, multi-tenant, limited dns entries, outbound data limits, throttles on cpu and memory usage.
  • Shared is multi-tenant, per site/instance charges, custom domain names, unlimited outbound charged separately.
  • Reserved is vm-size with 1-3 instances, up to 100 sites.

Counters: CPU, Data in/out, Http Errors, Requests
Diagnostics: Error pages, Logging, IIS logs, Failed request

Team Foundation Service
Setup publishing: Authorize and create build definition
Build: Publish to azure on succesful build

Local Git Repository
Setup publishing: Create repository on azure websites
Push: Push to git repository initiates build on azure
Build: Deploy to azure on succesful build


  • Make sure your dlls are correctly referenced (use nuget)
  • Correct your Web.Release.config (use preview transformation)
  • .gitignore (packages/ bin/ obj/ *.suo *.csproj.user)


  • Setup Git Publishing
  • git remote add fooazurealias https://<account>/foo.git
  • git push fooazurealias master

Hosted Git Repository
Codeplex, GitHub, BitBucket
Setup publishing: Create repo on azure, authenticate hosted with oauth
Push: Push to hosted, will post notification to azure, azure will clone repo
Link your Azure website to a specific branch on github.com

Windows Azure PowerShell


get-command -module azure

$mgmtCert = get-item cert:\\currentuser\my\$mgmtCertThumbprint

Set-AzureSubscription -SubscriptionName KensCloud -SubscriptionId $subscriptionID -Certificate $mgmtCert

Select-AzureSubscription -SubscriptionName KensCloud



New-AzureWebsite -Location "West US" -Name "fooNew"

$site = get-azurewebsite -Name fooNew


$site.HttpLoggingEnabled = $true

$site.RequestTracingEnabled = $true

$site.NumberOfWorkers = 3

$site | Set-AzureWebsite


npm install azure-cli

node azure account download

node azure account import c:\foo\foo.cer

del c:\foo\KensCloud-11-11-2011-credentials.publishsettings

node azure site create KensNode

node azure site browse KensNode
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