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Azure Websites

Categories: Azure Notes

Notes from Windows Azure Websites by Matt Milner

  • Application load balancer
  • Content + configuration in shared storage
  • http://<account>.azurewebsites.net


  • FTP, Web Deploy, Continues integration
  • Use EnableCodeMigrations to create the db and seed some default data
  • Use a publishing profile (import on web publish)
  • One ftp location even though you have multiple instances.

Pricing Models

  • Free only up to 10 sites, multi-tenant, limited dns entries, outbound data limits, throttles on cpu and memory usage.
  • Shared is multi-tenant, per site/instance charges, custom domain names, unlimited outbound charged separately.
  • Reserved is vm-size with 1-3 instances, up to 100 sites.

Counters: CPU, Data in/out, Http Errors, Requests
Diagnostics: Error pages, Logging, IIS logs, Failed request

Team Foundation Service
Setup publishing: Authorize and create build definition
Build: Publish to azure on succesful build

Local Git Repository
Setup publishing: Create repository on azure websites
Push: Push to git repository initiates build on azure
Build: Deploy to azure on succesful build


  • Make sure your dlls are correctly referenced (use nuget)
  • Correct your Web.Release.config (use preview transformation)
  • .gitignore (packages/ bin/ obj/ *.suo *.csproj.user)


  • Setup Git Publishing
  • git remote add fooazurealias https://<account>/foo.git
  • git push fooazurealias master

Hosted Git Repository
Codeplex, GitHub, BitBucket
Setup publishing: Create repo on azure, authenticate hosted with oauth
Push: Push to hosted, will post notification to azure, azure will clone repo
Link your Azure website to a specific branch on github.com

Windows Azure PowerShell


get-command -module azure

$mgmtCert = get-item cert:\\currentuser\my\$mgmtCertThumbprint

Set-AzureSubscription -SubscriptionName KensCloud -SubscriptionId $subscriptionID -Certificate $mgmtCert

Select-AzureSubscription -SubscriptionName KensCloud



New-AzureWebsite -Location "West US" -Name "fooNew"

$site = get-azurewebsite -Name fooNew


$site.HttpLoggingEnabled = $true

$site.RequestTracingEnabled = $true

$site.NumberOfWorkers = 3

$site | Set-AzureWebsite


npm install azure-cli

node azure account download

node azure account import c:\foo\foo.cer

del c:\foo\KensCloud-11-11-2011-credentials.publishsettings

node azure site create KensNode

node azure site browse KensNode