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Install TortoiseHG - Mercurial on Windows IIS

Categories: Mercurial

Well, I can tell you... this is a painful adventure and for sure not worth saving 7$ a month. But sometimes you have to do what you have to do... Good luck.

Install Python
Install Python Windows Extensions (PYWIN32)
Intall and compile Mercurial source
  • http://mercurial.selenic.com/release/mercurial-1.8.4.tar.gz
  • c:\mercurial-source-1.8.4\
  • python.exe setup.py --pure build_py -c -d . build_ext -i build_mo --force
  • python.exe setup.py --pure install --force
  • This will build and install Mercurial into the Python install folder eg. C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\mercurial
  • Add ;C:\Python27\scripts\ to the environment path
  • Test by typing hg in command window
Setup Mercurial HgWeb Host on IIS 7
  • http://code.google.com/p/isapi-wsgi/downloads/detail?name=isapi_wsgi-0.4.2.zip&can=2&q=
  • python setup.py install
  • http://selenic.com/repo/hg-stable/raw-file/1e6661e09818/contrib/win32/hgwebdir_wsgi.py
  • Create the file folder that will be hosting your Mercurial IIS7 repository website. Eg. C:\Websites\hg\
  • Copy hgwebdir_wsgi.py file to the website folder.
  • Open hgwebdir_wsgi.py for editing by right clicking it and using the Python editor
  • Set the hgweb config value to the website folder. hgweb_config = r'c:\Websites\hg\hgweb.config'
  • Unless you are using a virtual application/directory set the path prefix to zero then save/close the file.path_prefix = 0
  • Create a new hgweb.config file in the website folder with the following content: 

    / = c:\Repository\*
  • Open a DOS prompt and set the directory to your website folder. Eg. c:\Websites\hg\
  • Execute the following to compile a DLL called _hgwebdir_wsgi.dll: python hgwebdir_wsgi.py
  • Create a new application pool in IIS Manager called “Mercurial-Repo”
  • Set the .net framework version to “No Managed Code”
  • Create a new website in IIS Manager pointing it to the website folder. Be sure to select the Mercurial-Repo application pool.
  • Open up the Handler Mappings for your new web site.
  • Add a new “Wildcard Script Map” with the Executable location pointing to the _hgwebdir_wsgi.dll in the website folder. Name it Mercurial-ISAPI
  • Click the OK button, and click YES to allow the ISAPI extension.
  • Assuming you have followed all directions carefully browsing to the newly created website should serve the empty repositories listing!
Using HG examples
  • hg init c:\Repository\test
  • hg clone http://sourcecontrol.yourserver.com/test
Pushing Changes
    • By default, all repositores served via hgwebdir are read only – you cannot push changes to them. To change this, we can specify the users that should be able to push to the repositores by adding an "allow_push" section to our hgweb.config:
      allow_push = Ken, Patrycja
      push_ssl = false
SSL Certificate and Self-Signing With TortoiseHG and IIS
    • Install SSL certificate and remove push_ssl = false
    • hg push --insecure https://self-signed-host/repo
    • C:\Program Files\TortoiseHg\hgrc.d
IIS Config for File-size, Time-Outs and blocked extensions
    • In IIS Manager, click on the web site node, and click the Limits… link. Put time-out higher.
   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
           <requestLimits maxAllowedContentLength ="2147482624" />
             <remove fileExtension=".cs" />
       <httpRuntime executionTimeout="540000" maxRequestLength="2097151"/>
Error: [Errno 10054] An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host

This is a problem with the SSL module in Python 2.7.3/4 - it doesn't like IIS's SSL implementation. If you disable SSL v2 on your iis it will be solved. (IISCrypto)

Other ways of setting up Mercurial on Windows IIS 
About Mercurial - TortoiseHG
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