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Social Media: The Big Picture - Notes

Categories: Notes Social Media

Social Media: The Big Picture

  • 2002 Friendster
  • 2004 Facebook (1 billion)
  • 2006 Twitter (100 million)
The big players
  • FourSquare : location based from sharing to suggesting locations
  • Pinterest : sharing photos (mainly female subscribers)
  • Thumblr : (50milj) short bloggers
  • LinkedIn
  • Twitter
  • Google+ : hangout with multi people video chat
  • Facebook
  • YouTube
  • Friending
  • Following
  • Tweeting
  • Retweeting
  • Pinning
  • Klout : a popular tool that measures a person's online influence (http://klout.com/how-it-works)
  • As human and real as possible.
  • eg. Blendtec (williteblend.com) ROI -> 500% increase in sales
  • Doing bold things to stand out in the crowd.
  • eg. SitorSquat by charmin (market toilet paper brand by giving users an application that finds clean toilets)


  • Going out on a regular basis. Never leave long gaps.
  • Map out on calandar and measure success.
  • eg. OldSpice ROI -> 100milion views and 107% increase in sales

ROE : Return on engagement

Your Social Story
Digital Reputation Management
  • eg. Dave Carroll -> 10% share drop, 180 milion dollar loss
  • Pay attention to what people are saying about you in the social circles. 
Social Responsibility
  • eg. Chipotle sustainable farms
Discover your story
  • Brandtelling uses a series of brand stories to make your brand relevant to your target market or audience.
  • These can be stories about the company, its products and innovations or its people. - Arthur Germain
Re-write your story 
  • History section of website
  • Add humor
  • Add personal stuff
Tell you story
An average user has around 150-170 friends.
Focus on filling the blank box
content matters
asking questions to your community
Increase distribution with photos and videos.
always add multimedia to your text
50% in shareability
Get inside Insights
measure and market
allows you to craft the messages for them
Identify influencers
Share content
Build lists to listen (listen to your market related topics)
Make a human tweet (show people behind your company)
Leverage mobile 
Customize background (you can add links)
Use hashtags (to allow them to find your content more easy)
Have conversations!
eg. use twitter as a customer service
eg. sign off with name of employee
Keep it short (60 seconds or less)
Customize your channel
Commit to a schedule
Brand your videos
Measure traffic
Use playlists
Use tags
Try tips for your followers
Complete your profile
Respond to adds
Create SEO-friendly summary (keywords)
Use apps (linkedin cardmunch)
Add a profile video (slideshare app)
Create your photo story
Leverage themes
Use hashtags
Add pin-it button
Build community (re-pin)
Hangouts and hangout on air
Build community for better SEO rankings
Post daily (use photos/videos)
Complete your tagline and add links
Enjoy the conversation (unlike facebook)
Digital Plan
Create Privacy Policy
  • http://policytool.net
  • Set guidelines for interaction
  • Internal vs external guidelines
  • Manage (not control) the conversation
  • When removing link, put a pointer to social policy rules.
Choosing tools (3-4)
Create a calendar
Content and timeframe over 6 months
When is best time to post?
Determine metrics of success
Quality not quantity
Share your plan with other employees
Pivot when necessary, be ready to change the social media location
Creating Content
  • Remember the story
  • Include a call-to-action, always get people to do something
  • Nurture your community, getting to know your people
  • Study your stats
  • Watch your competition, esp. their successes.
Top Trends
Gamification: turning simple things into fun games with virtual rewards.
eg. http://emailga.me : The email game (smiley gets happier when handling your messages) - inbox zero
Smart Technology
eg. Smart transparent window
Facial Recognition
eg. SceneTap : view who is at what venue throught the security camera at door of bar.
Location Based Services
eg. FourSquare : 70% male users because of privacy
Not only phones but also the touchpads and tablets
Shorter and more simple content