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ActionQueue States 

Categories: Messagent
-666 On Hold Set by emergency pause procedure NULL Warning
0 Scheduled Mail is scheduled and is waiting to be picked up by the mailagent NULL Ok
1 Pickup Pickup in progress  NULL Ok
2 Pending Mails have been picked and are being processed at this moment NULL Ok
5 Retry Mail is ready for retry  NULL Warning
10 Illegal user The user account was invalid. NULL Error
11 Bad Domain The domain was invalid NULL Error
12 Bad Template The template did not generate a valid message for this user NULL Error
13 Illegal Address E-mail address was obviously incorrect. Delivery was not even attempted. NULL Error
14 Blocked by rule Blocked by a rule  NULL Error
15 Bad catalog Catalog could not be retrieved  NULL Error
16 No items Catalog was loaded, but no items where found.. BLOCK_NO_ITEMS was set on mail  NULL Error
17 IgnoreList mail should be ignored NULL Error
18 Sender Problem Failed, Not delivered due to sender problem  NULL Warning
19 Receiver Problem Failed, Not delivered due to receiver problem  NULL Warning
20 Bad Server The server responsible for the referred domain was inactive or was unable to accept the message NULL Error
21 Blacklist Blacklisted NULL Error
22 Greylist Greylisted  NULL Warning
23 Soft Bounced e-Mail A Soft-bounce was received by the Messagent PopAgent NULL Warning
24 Hard Bounced e-Mail A Hard-bounce was received by the Messagent PopAgent NULL Error
25 Mailbox full Failed, Mailbox is full  NULL Warning
26 Spam Failed, Could not be delivered because of content screening  NULL Warning
27 Complaints Hotmail complaints NULL Warning
30 Success The mail was successfully accepted by the remote mailserver NULL Ok
200 Rollback Mail in rollback - checking delivery status in logfiles  NULL Warning
500 Modified Modified by debounce module NULL Warning
666 Cancelled Set by emergency stop procedure NULL Error

C# content renderer voorbeeld 

Categories: Messagent

Deze pagina zal een messagent pagina ophalen, als je een ID-parameter (hashcode) meestuurt.

Je moet in de Messagent Campaigner wel nog aangeven dat je met een content-renderer werkt. Dat doe je in de eigenschappen bij “Advanced”:

Content renderer properties

<%@ Page Language="C#" ContentType="text/html" ResponseEncoding="iso-8859-1"  aspcompat="true" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System" %>
<%@ import Namespace="System.Configuration" %>
<%@ import Namespace="MessagentNET" %>
<script runat="server">
String incHead, incBody, incBodyAttr;

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
OptiWebRequest iRequest  = new OptiWebRequest(this);
  iRequest.CollectDebugInfo = false;
    iRequest.AutoRedirect  = false;
    iRequest.MessagentUrl  = "http://messagent.yourinstallation.be/optiext/optiextension.dll";
    OptiWebResult m_WebResult = iRequest.Send();
    incHead  = m_WebResult.HtmlHead;
    if (m_WebResult.ResultType==OptiWebResult.OptiWebResultType.Redirect)
     incBody = "<script language=\"javascript\" type=\"text/javascript\">\n\tdocument.location = \"" + m_WebResult.Url + "\";\n</scr"+"ipt>";
incBody = m_WebResult.HtmlBody;
    incBodyAttr = " "+m_WebResult.HtmlBodyAttr;
    incHead = "";
    incBody = "Error - No ID provided";
    incBodyAttr = "";



<div style='font-family:tahoma'>
 This code is written by the .NET Content-Renderer (messagent.aspx).
 SIM Message will start here:<HR>
<HR>End of SIM code



Flags sent and restore process 

Categories: Messagent

For each mail that has been sent the flags table should contain a listid/userid/campaignid/actionid/probeid=-1 record.

Underneed is an example of a procedure to restore flags from backup :

  • (operator) Messagent Interfaces of webservers off
  • (operator) Messagent Maintenance Website webservers on >> automatisch hierdoor production sites off
  • (operator) Messagent Services off (application server)
  • (dba) Rename FLAGS to FLAGS_RENAME
  • (operator) Create new, empty table flags
  • (operator) Messagent Websites on
  • (dba) Disable Bulk Logging
  • (dba) Copy new records FLAGS_RENAME naar FLAGS_NEWRECORDS (dt >= max(dt) van backup)
  • (dba) Restore FLAGS from backup over FLAGS_RENAME
  • (dba) Remove Indexes
  • (dba) Create new Indexes
  • (dba) Enable Bulk Logging
  • (operator) Messagent Websites off, Maintenance Websites ON
  • (dba) Copy ALLE records FLAGS naar FLAGS_RENAME
  • (dba) Rename FLAGS_RENAME to FLAGS
  • (operator) Messagent Websites on
  • (operator) Messagent Campaign Agent on
  • (operator) Messagent Activate Interactive Campaigns
  • (operator) Wait till Campaign Agent idle (what is best way to check ?)
  • (operator) Check if ACTIONQUEUE contains mails to be sent
  • (operator) Remove records from ACTIONQUEUE if needed
  • (operator) Messagent Services on (application server)
  • (operator) Messagent Interfaces of webservers on


Gate and C# call to Messagent SIM 

Categories: Messagent

In de manager maak je een gate aan met bijvoorbeeld als naam "NAAM_VAN_DE_GATE"

In je dotNet-project leg je een web-reference naar individual.asmx.

Voorbeeld code:

var ind = new Individual_API.Individual();
var header = new Individual_API.AutomationAuthHeader();

header.Login = "MyUser";
header.Password = "MyPassword";

ind.AutomationAuthHeaderValue = header;

string MAHash;

SoapResult = ind.RetrieveHashForUser("NAAM_VAN_DE_GATE", iListID, iUserID, out MAHash, out errorStr);

Response.Write("RetrieveHashForUser :" + MAHash);

MessagentService.dll is a wrapper of Optizen.dll and this one is a .Net wrapper of a com/ole library ASPLinkDll.dll

  • LEGACYSUPPORT_MODE - TRUE - to allow old hashes
  • SECURITYKEY - willekeurige_tekst_van_minstens_50_tekens_lang
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